Kamis, 29 Mei 2008

orientation - masturbate

is there any relationship between Orientation for a new student and masturbate??
if u answer no,then i will answer yes!
the relationship between those two are in orientation week, senior was the king, they can ask everything to do, even some kind of disgusting things...
yap, coz in orientation week, senior is emperor, the king, they can ask anything to their junior...
no matter what kind of thing that was, taboo or not, coz there was no regulation except "Senior was the king, senior was never wrong!"..
it's happen several days ago in my college, the college where i study and proud of...
some of them were collect in the park with their senior, i don't know what faculty they are, but i clearly sought that they demonstrate how to masturbate in front of the tree with voice too,,...!!!and the girl was there..

how come???so disgusting!they demonstrate it because the senior ask them..just by asking.but they never do if their God asking! do their senior more then their God by now????
this country is closer and closer to another disaster... our moral decrease day and day so rapidly...
nobody care, seems like thing just going happen and let it flow..just watching, no action..
this college is growth a lot of people who will be a leader, at least for his own environment. how can a people with such a leak moral, can lead this country?? we are agent of change, YES WE ARE!!!! but have you change yourself, your environment? can you change something with just sit around, hang out, or read the literature? browsing to the internet visiting FS, YM, meebo or else without do action?

this is happen in 2007, maybe in another 10 years, we have a cute little children, we are scared to take their out just to take a walk, coz everybody was in chaos.. no morality, just violation, no God, No religion, just in identity card!

and now, as usuall, just read this article, close it and then log out...
if u agree with most part of my article, i just wanna say, change urself..change ur environment, DO SOMETHING! DO SOMETHING!! say something! don't let thing just happen seems like the government can handle it out with a set of regulation.
won't u became Luth AS's people?
that ALLAH SWT give their sexual disease?
or Musa AS's people that sent terrible flood??
ALLAH SWT was sent tsunami to aceh, Porong can never be handle till now, earth quake in jogjakarta, what next?
just wait...
Think about it...
Wassalamualaikum, wr, wb

(sorry if my english pretty bad:-p)

Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

aaarrrggghh, BBM naik..

BBM bakal naik nich. bingung, deg2an, takut..
takut ga bisa ja2n sesuka hati lagi, ga bisa shopping2 lagi, ga bisa jalan2 kemana2 lagi...(emg biasa shopping kemana mas??)

teman2 pada demo, karena orang yg miskin tambah miskin n yg kaya tetap ga berasa..merasa dizalimi ats kesewenang2an pemerintah menaikkan BBM.

we must do something. so, sbg kawula muda nan perkasa dan penuh ide cemerlang apa yg harus qt lakukan????berhubung yg demo di jalan udah ada, mending cari cara lain u mghadapi naiknya BBM...

ada tips nich, mudah2n bs bermanfaat...:

1. Kurangi pola konsumtif berlebihan...
kalo dulunya suka jalan2 ke gramed siang hari, mall tiap mlm, di sambung ke Puri minum TeeSTe ampe dini hari, yach dikurangi. keluar kalo ada perlunya aj.

beli celana/baju di matahari biasanya 1minggu sekali jadi 2 bulan sekali. ganti HP tiap 3 bulan jadi 2 tahun sekali... atw malah ga usah ganti2..

yg tiap hari ngenet di rental berjam2 bk om Prenster, ya ga usah sering2 lagi lach..(BBM naik, segala hal jd naik)

2. Tumbuhkan sikap2 kemandirian
bangsa ini kurang mandiri.apa2 minta perhatian n bantuan dari pemerintah. udah tau pemerintah itu yg diurusin 250 jt lebih. mana birokrasinya semrawut a.k.a acakadut lagi. mendingan qt berusaha mandiri. dimulai dari usaha2 kecil berbasiskan individu. jual pulsa kek, atw jual kue di kampus, atw jual jasa sekedar rental komp n ngeprint di rumah, atw bkn private d rumah (ngajarin cara nyuci baju yg baik dan benar:= halah!) yang penting jangan jual diri...(orang barat bilang pamalih, mas...)

kalo demo mah udah banyak yg lakuin. mendingan cari cara lain yg lebih riil n bermanfaat walaupun dalam lingkup yang kecil. karena tangan di atas lebih baik dari tangan di bawah.

kekalahan qt dari bangsa lain adalah mental. mental dalam berusaha, mental dalam menghadapi masalah, mental dalam melayani rakyat(bagi om2 pelayan di pemerintahan) dan mental rakyat yg ga pernah mandiri dalam menyikapi.(so, jangan pernah menyalahi keadaan atw orang lain ats apa2 yg terjadi ma dirimu)

kalo udah mandiri qt akan menjadi terhormat. (malu jadi benalu-Aa Gym)

hmm, mudah2n ga ada yg tersungging. hanya sentilan kecil untuk menggerakkan "nilai2" yg tertidur pulas..